Special products
Treatment of children's disease in the United States

I enjoy the medicine from signing top pediatric experts including the Boston children's Hospital, children's Hospital of Texas, California University of San Francisco Benioff children's Hospital of Stanford University, Lucy Parke children's Hospital, the top pediatric hospitals and medical institutions, a number of professional fields covering children with hematological diseases and tumors, pediatric heart, nerve, and rare in children disease. In the field of Pediatrics, medical resources in the United States lead the world, the cure rate of leukemia is as high as 80%, and the eye rate of children's retinoblastoma is 3 times higher than that in China.

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1, ID card, passport, ticket.

2, summer clothes, T-shirts and other light clothing, slippers, can be prepared by a light coat, used in car air conditioning.

3, toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, comb and other personal hygiene products.

4, take some necessary medicine in the course of the trip: cold medicine, painkillers, antiphlogistic drugs, antidiarrheal, antihaling drugs